Our Mission

We want to be your spicy sidekick!

We want to be the spicy ritual that empowers you to take your health and well-being into your own hands. We take joy in supporting your personal wellness journey by providing the highest quality Apple Cider Vinegar tonics with an energizing punch of superfood ingredients you can trust.

Our Ingredients

Whole. Raw. Organic.
We know that a label full of unintelligible ingredients does little to inspire your trust, so we’re all about transparency. Our certified organic farm partners agree that sun, unadulterated soil, and clean water create culinary marvels. We use their highest quality whole, raw, lovingly grown ingredients. Pesticides, growth hormones, and other artificial additives aren’t even in their vocabulary. So you can be sure that every one of our products is made with top-quality, lovingly grown, raw foods you can pronounce (and taste!).

Our Values

Good for you. Good for the earth.
That transparency extends to our business practices. We make Fire Cider in our Shire City Herbals’ home base in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts. We’re proud to be part of the revival of our hometown of Pittsfield. We use fully recyclable shipping materials, and our packing materials are made from 100% recycled fibers. Our bottles are reusable and recyclable, and the cups we use for in-store promotions are compostable.